Leo is the quartermaker for Het Kloosterbos, a beloved Food Forest and “a place for peace and tranquillity” in Eindhoven. In Kloosterbos there are often buckets of sunroots for visitors to bring home, which I learnt being the root of a tall breed of sunflower. The name I knew from my Italian culture, Tupinambur, is the misusage and distorsion of Tupinambá, the name of the tribe in present-day Brazil from which French colonizers discovered the plant and brought it to the western world. In Piedmont we chop it fresh in salads. In Berlin I encountered the root as “jerusalem artichoke” during a work lunch at Soho House. It was served to me sliced in 2, roasted in the oven with oil and salt as a 7 euro vorspeise. It was delicious and I cook it that way ever since.
Eric is a member of MAD emergent art center. He introduced me to the idea that vortexes can purify water.
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Since I started this research 4 years ago I cultivated a particular obsession with tetrapak containers and their most classic contemporary content, oatmilk (though my classmate Isa found out that there’s circa 71 types of plant based milk in the Dutch supermarket). Sophie is a former schoolmate, a colleague and a friend. She’s the very first participants of my project. With Sophie we blended and filtered oat milk a few times, once at ZBar, the cafetaria of the school, where this picture is taken. About oatmilk, I organized a testing session, an exhibition at TAC – Temporary Art Center and shot a Hyperburgers commercial. I eventually started making my own, without really watching the measures. I fill 1/3 of the bullet blender with rolled oats, add the Guerande salt I have from Yana, Sem Terra sugar, tap water, a bit of coconut powder, a date from the turkish minimarket, blend for 30-45 seconds and filter with the cheese cloth. I no longer purchase and toss tetrapaks, which decreased dramatically the volume of my waste. I do collect the ones of my housemates now. I open and wash them and stuck them. Eventually I want to print on them the cover for some Hyperburgers books. Tetrapak is a swedish company. I looked once the numbers of oatmilk industy and it’s skyrocketing. The logo of Tetrapak says “Protects What’s Good”. I think it’s a widespread confusion to know in which bin place your empty tetrapak. As far as I know, it is made of 3 materials (paper, aluminium and plastic) and it’s probably being incinerated. I recently realized that it does gives some astronaut’s food vibe. To make oatmilk in a Hyperburgers can cost around 46 cents the liter. For the barista, an extra enzym should be added.
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Leo is the quartermaker for Het Kloosterbos, a beloved Food Forest and “a place for peace and tranquillity” in Eindhoven. In Kloosterbos there are often buckets of sunroots for visitors to bring home, which I learnt being the root of a tall breed of sunflower. The name I knew from my Italian culture, Tupinambur, is the misusage and distorsion of Tupinambá, the name of the tribe in present-day Brazil from which French colonizers discovered the plant and brought it to the western world. In Piedmont we chop it fresh in salads. In Berlin I encountered the root as “jerusalem artichoke” during a work lunch at Soho House. It was served to me sliced in 2, roasted in the oven with oil and salt as a 7 euro vorspeise. It was delicious and I cook it that way ever since.
Eric is a member of MAD emergent art center. He introduced me to the idea that vortexes can purify water.
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Since I started this research 4 years ago I cultivated a particular obsession with tetrapak containers and their most classic contemporary content, oatmilk (though my classmate Isa found out that there’s circa 71 types of plant based milk in the Dutch supermarket). Sophie is a former schoolmate, a colleague and a friend. She’s the very first participants of my project. With Sophie we blended and filtered oat milk a few times, once at ZBar, the cafetaria of the school, where this picture is taken. About oatmilk, I organized a testing session, an exhibition at TAC – Temporary Art Center and shot a Hyperburgers commercial. I eventually started making my own, without really watching the measures. I fill 1/3 of the bullet blender with rolled oats, add the Guerande salt I have from Yana, Sem Terra sugar, tap water, a bit of coconut powder, a date from the turkish minimarket, blend for 30-45 seconds and filter with the cheese cloth. I no longer purchase and toss tetrapaks, which decreased dramatically the volume of my waste. I do collect the ones of my housemates now. I open and wash them and stuck them. Eventually I want to print on them the cover for some Hyperburgers books. Tetrapak is a swedish company. I looked once the numbers of oatmilk industy and it’s skyrocketing. The logo of Tetrapak says “Protects What’s Good”. I think it’s a widespread confusion to know in which bin place your empty tetrapak. As far as I know, it is made of 3 materials (paper, aluminium and plastic) and it’s probably being incinerated. I recently realized that it does gives some astronaut’s food vibe. To make oatmilk in a Hyperburgers can cost around 46 cents the liter. For the barista, an extra enzym should be added.
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Hyperburgers is a social design project started by Francesca Tambussi. It aims to become a free tool for citizens to make their own Consumers Lab. Wanna start one or join me in the making? Send me an email.
Wanna see where the Hyperburgers wind blows? Updates are mostly posted on Instagram. A recap of the year is sent with the Riseup newsletter, and news about the upcoming Berlin project are on Telegram!
Hyperburgers is a social design project started by Francesca Tambussi. It aims to become a free tool for citizens to make their own Consumers Lab. Wanna start one or join me in the making? Send me an email.
Wanna see where the Hyperburgers wind blows? Updates are mostly posted on Instagram. A recap of the year is sent with the Riseup newsletter, and news about the upcoming Berlin project are on Telegram!